最終更新日: 2006/02/07 21:45
梶原 健司
岩崎 克則
丸野 健一
高橋 大輔 |
(早稲田大・理工) |
松浦 望 |
(福岡大・理) |
Dr. Mariusz Bialecki |
(東京大・数理) |
13:30-14:30 |
高橋 |
14:45-15:45 |
松浦 |
16:00-17:00 |
Bialecki |
- 高橋 大輔
- Title: 明示的なリャプノフ関数を持つ微分・差分・超離散方程式
- Abstract:
- 松浦 望
- Dr. Mariusz Bialecki
- Title: Algebro-Geometric Solution of the Discrete KP Equation
over a Finite Field out of a Hyperelliptic Curve
- Abstract: The algebro-geometric method of construction of
solutions of the discrete KP equation in the finite field case will be
presented. We point out the role of the Jacobian of the underlying algebraic
curve in construction of the solutions. Using the description of the
Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve we will show in details how this method
Faculty of Science No.3 building (room to be determined), Hakozaki Campus of
Kyushu University, March. 14 2006(Tue) 13:00-17:00
Mini-workshop "Recent Topics in the Discrete and Ultradiscrete Integrable
Prof. Daisuke Takahashi |
(Waseda University) |
Dr. Nozomu Matsuura |
(Fukuoka University) |
Dr. Mariusz Bialecki |
(University of Tokyo) |
Tentative program:
13:30-14:30 |
Takahashi |
14:45-15:45 |
Matsuura |
16:00-17:00 |
Bialecki |
Faculty of Science No.3 building (room to be determined), Hakozaki Campus of
Kyushu University, Jan. 24 2006(Tue) 14:00-17:00
ミニワークショップ「Solitons in Mathematics and Physics」
Mini-workshop "Solitons in Mathematics and Physics "
(Supported by
21th century COE program
"Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality")
今回は現象数理セミナー との共催です.
This is a joint seminar with Seminar on Nonlinear
Phenomena and Analysis.
Prof. Jon Nimmo |
(University of Glasgow and University of Tokyo)
Dr. Pearl Louis |
(Osaka City University)
Dr. Ken-ichi Maruno |
(Kyushu University)
Tentative program:
14:00-15:00 |
Louis |
15:15-15:45 |
Maruno |
16:00-17:00 |
Nimmo |
Titles and abstracts:
- Dr. Pearl Louis
- Title: Matter-wave solitons in optical lattices and superlattices
- Abstract: In recent years there has been increasing interest in
using Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) or macroscopic coherent matter-waves
to study a variety of different quantum and nonlinear phenomena including
solitons. Until recently, bright solitons could only be formed in BECs with
attractive interatomic interactions [1,2]. However, working with bright
solitons in BECs with repulsive interatomic interactions is more desirable
as attractive BECs collapse if the atomic density reaches a critical level.
Recently in an important experiment, a bright soliton was created in a BEC
with repulsive interatomic interactions by using a periodic potential formed
by standing light waves known as an optical lattice [3]. In this work we
look at the properties of bright gap solitons and dark in-band solitons in
repulsive BECs in optical lattices. One of the principle advantages of
optical trapping potentials is that their properties can be easily and
precisely controlled. We show examples of how we can use this feature of
optical potentials to manipulate the properties of the solitons formed and
also how they interact with each other, focusing on a special type of
optical lattice known as an optical superlattice. We also discuss different
ways of creating gap solitons in BECs loaded into optical lattices.
[1] L. Khaykovich et al., Science 296, 1290 (2002).
[2] K. E. Strecker
et al., Nature 417, 150 (2002).
[3] B. Eiermann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
92, 230401 (2004).
- Dr. Ken-ichi Maruno
- Title: Study of higher-dimensional integrable mappings
- Abstract: We study a class of integrable mappings which have
bilinear forms. We propose a method to construct integrals of higher-order
mappings using bilnear forms. The key of construction is conservation law of
discrete bilinear forms of AKP and BKP equations. This is a joint work with
Prof. Quispel.
- Prof. Jon Nimmo
- Title: On a nonabelian generalisation of the Hirota-Miwa equation
- Abstract: Perhaps the most well known three dimensional, fully
discrete integrable system is the Hirota-Miwa or discrete KP equation. This
talk will begin with a review some properties of this system paying
particular attention to the construction of a family of exact solutions in
the form of casoratian determinants by means of Darboux transformations.
There are a number of features of the Hirota-Miwa equation that are
essential for the construction but others aspects are inessential. By
relaxing the inessential ones as much as possible while keeping the
essential ones, we will obtain a integrable generalisation of the system
with solutions in an associative algebra $.AN%mathcal A$, which is in
general nonabelian. It will be seen that the action of Darboux
transformations for the generalised system is very natural, corresponding
merely to movement on a higher dimensional lattice. In the most abstract
form the solutions obtained by Darboux transformations are expressed as
entries in the inverse of a matrix over $.AN%mathcal A$. When we take
$N%mathcal A$ to be a matrix algebra these expression lead to more familiar
expressions for the solutions as ratios of multicomponents casoratian
- 講師:鈴木 貴雄 氏(神戸大・理)
- タイトル: D4(1) 型ドリンフェルト・ソコロフ階層とパンルヴェ第6方程式
- 概要:
- 講師:藤 健太 氏(神戸大・自然)
- タイトル: D型のLax Pairに由来する高階Painlevé方程式
- 概要: Painlevé VI のLax Pairとしてso(8)のものがあります.それをso(2n)のものへと拡張することで,
nが偶数の場合はcoupled Painlevé VI が, nが奇数の場合はcoupled Painlevé V が得られました.
- 講師:下村 俊 氏(慶応大・理工)
- タイトル: Garnier 系の特異点における解の族について
- 概要: 2次元の Garnier 系は一つの変数をとめると2つの2階連立系となり, これは Painleve VI
- 講師:Dr. Raimundas Vidunas (九大数理)
- タイトル: Quadratic Transformations of the Sixth Painlevé Equation
- 概要:
In 1991, Kitaev showed existence of quadratic transformations between
Painleve VI equations with the local monodromy differences $(1/2,a,b,1/2)$ and
$(a,a,b,b)$. The aim of this talk is to present compact formulas for this
transformation, developed in colloboration with Kitaev.
Quite recently, Manin and Ramani-Grammaticos-Tamizhmani found simpler
quadratic transformations between Painleve VI equations with the local
monodromy differences $(0,A,B,1)$ and $(A/2,B/2,B/2,A/2+1)$. They are related
to Kitaev's transformation via a pair of Okamoto transformations.
- 講師:松本 圭司氏(北大理)
- タイトル: A Heun differential equation derived from the Gauss hypergeometric
differential equation
- 概要: We study a Heun differential equation derived from the Gauss
hypergeometric differential equation. We show that the periods for the family
of cubic curves of the Hesse normal form satisfy this differential equation
for some parameters.We give a monodromy representation of this differential
equation; we find parameters such that the monodromy group is isomorphic to
the fundamental group of the complement of the Borromean rings.
- 講師:児玉 裕冶 氏(Ohio State University)
- タイトル:Toda lattice, cohomology of compact Lie groups and finite Chevalley
- 概要:I will describe a connection that exists among
- the number of singular points along the trajectory of Toda flow,
- the cohomology of a compact subgroup $K$, and
- the number of points of a Chevalley group $K({\mathbb F}_q)$
related to K over a finite field Fq. The
Toda lattice is defined for a real split semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$,
and K is a maximal compact Lie subgroup of G associated to
$\mathfrak g$. Relations are also obtained between the singularities of the
Toda flow and the integral cohomology of the real flag manifold G/B
with B the Borel subgroup of G (here we have G/B=K/T with
a finite group T). We also compute the maximal number of singularities
of the Toda flow for any real split semisimple algebra, and find that this
number gives the multiplicity of the singularity at the intersection of the
varieties defined by the zero set of Schur polynomials. This is a joint work
with Luis Casian.
- 21世紀COE「機能数理学の構築と展開」の支援を受けています
- 【題目】K3曲面上の複素力学系の勉強会
- 下記の二論文を理解することをめざし,関連する数学を含めて勉強する.
- C.T. McMullen, Dynamics on K3 surfaces: Salem numbers and Siegel disks,
J. reine angew. Math. 545 (2002),201--233.
- S. Cantat, Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces K3, Acta Math. 187
(2001), 1--57.
- 岩崎 克則 (九大・数理) が 1. について紹介する.
- 石井 豊氏 (九大・数理) が 2. や,その背景になっている Bedford-Smillie の仕事の解説をする.
- 伊藤 秀一氏(金沢大・理)Siegel 円板, 小分母の問題について
- 竹縄 知之氏(東京海洋大・海洋工)代数的エントロピーの計算法
- 佐々木 良勝氏(九大・数理)Nevanlinna 理論の初歩
- 【日程】3月14日(月)〜3月18日(金)3月14日は午前10時開始,18日は午後の適当な時間まで
- 【内容】下記の項目の一部が少しでも分かるようになると素晴らしい.(全部をやるのはもちろん欲張り過ぎ!!)
- McMullen の論文の概要の紹介(全体のフィーリング)
- K3 曲面についての基本事項
- それを支える複素曲面論の基本事項(必要最小限)
- Cantat の論文は何が書いてあるか(フィーリングをつかむ)
- 背景にある Bedford-Smillie の仕事の紹介
- エントロピーについての概説 (位相的,測度論的,代数的) また Gromov-Yomdin など
- 小分母の問題 (Siegel-Sternberg Theory, KAM 理論などから)
- ローレンツ格子の算術と幾何
- Salem 数をめぐる代数的整数論
- 正値カレントとポテンシャル論
- Lefschetz および Atiyah-Bott の不動点定理
- McMullen の論文のもっと詳しい読み解き
- Cantat の論文のもっと詳しい読み解き
- 代数的エントロピーの計算方法,
- Nevanlinna 理論入門など
- 【時間割】素人主催による内輪の勉強会ですから,どう転ぶか予想がつきません. 参加者で相談の上,
柔軟に進めたいと思います.とりあえず集合時間と大体の目安を書いておきます (実際の進め方は大幅に変わると思いますが, ご理解下さい).
三氏の講演以外の時間はとりあえずI(岩崎 or 石井氏)の責任ということにしておきます.尚,疲れてきたら,相談の上,
午前 10:00〜12:00
午後 14:00〜
3/14 (月)
McMullen の概説
K3 の基本事項
3/15 (火)
Bedford-Smillie 概説
伊藤氏 (90分〜2時間)
Salem 数
3/16 (水)
竹縄氏 (90分〜2時間)
3/17 (木)
佐々木氏 (90分〜2時間)
3/18 (金)
- 2005年2月17日(木)11:00〜13:00
- 2005年2月18日(金)11:00〜13:00
- 3回目:2005年2月18日(金)15:00〜17:00
- 講師:田邊 晋 氏(九州大学大学院数理学研究院)
- 題目:特異点論入門(これから勉強を始める人向きの連続入門講義)
場所・日時:九州大学箱崎キャンパス理学部3号館3303号室・ 2004年8月23日(月)14:00─17:00
場所・日時:九州大学箱崎キャンパス理学部3号館3303号室・ 2004年6月7日(月)15:30─17:00
- 講師:松本 剛 氏(京大理・物理)
- タイトル:2,3次元非圧縮オイラー方程式の定常解がもつラグランジュ複素特異性
概要:周期境界条件下の非圧縮オイラー方程式の定常解によって流されるラグランジュ粒子 x(a, t) の振舞いをラグランジュ座標 a についての
analyticity strip method を使って調査した結果を報告する。この analyticity strip method は例えば速度場
u(x, t) の空間座標 (従来はオイラー座標) x
- 講師:向平 敦史 氏(九大数理・学振PD)
- タイトル:「双直交有理関数に付随した可積分系の行列式構造」
概要:双直交有理関数に付随した可積分系として RII 格子を取り上げる.
RII 格子はRII 有理関数のあるスペクトル変換によって
引き起こされる離散系である. 本講演では RII 格子の双線形方程式を導出し,また戸田格子などの